August 3, 2008

Why we love someone and not the other?

The Reason Behind Love:)

If you are a normal adult, it is very likely that you have loved someone deeply at least once in your lifetime. You may also have noticed that you loved that person without any specific reason. And you could not love someone else though there could have been reasons. Well, it is wrong to deduce there is reason to love.

Nobody has actually been able to explain why we love? Of course, we love our family, job, nation etc..but very different is the love with someone who has a seat in your heart. Even great scientists, leaders, artists are normally said to have their energy of love transmuted into creation. Why love have so much power?

Why leaves are green and beautiful? 'Because of chlorophyll,' scientists explain. Still we are not satisfied with this answer. In the case of love also such explanations are available, but Helen Fisher not just tells about the Chemistry behind it, she explains the emotional and psychological aspects as well. Here is the speech on the science of love that she deleivered at the TED conference in US. Enjoy!

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